Our publishing activities have now ceased, and we regret we are unable to consider any further publishing proposals. A number of pages, including details of our previous consultancy and mailing list services, have been removed from the site.
However, we intend to continue to maintain a modest Web presence, and these new Web pages provide some background about our past activities, details of backlist titles still in print, reviews of recent titles, as well as some other documents. Also included are links to articles and papers by Hans Zell on topics relating to publishing and book development in Africa, as well as an extensive links section to organizations, groups and associations that are active and/or supportive of African publishing and the ‘book chain’. Some news items of interest to the book professions will also be posted from time to time.
Website Contents
- A short history of Hans Zell Publishing
- Publishing & Book Culture in Africa: A Repository of Selected Resources
Publishing & Book Culture in Africa: A Literature Review for 2024
- Press Releases
- Hans Zell Publishing - Recent backlist
- Reviews: What reviewers say about recent Hans Zell publications
- Training manuals and resources
- Web search for local communities in the Highlands of Scotland: An online self-tutoring guide
- A package of 4 self-tutoring modules in PDF format each liberally illustrated with screenshots of Google pages and many other websites and resources,
- Recent Hans Zell articles and studies on publishing and book development in Africa
- Note: Online versions of most of the more recent articles and papers, as well as a number of book reviews, are now freely accessible at Academia.edu at https://independent.academia.edu/HansZell
- Hans M. Zell CV
- News briefs
- Links
Links to the websites – and Facebook pages, where available – of organizations, groups and associations that are supportive of publishing, the ‘book chain’, and reading promotion in Africa. A number of dealers and suppliers of African-published books are also included, as are links to some of the major book prizes and awards, book fairs, or other book promotional events. Over 160 links.
The village of Lochcarron, taken from the opposite shore of Loch Carron
(Photo credit: Anthea Zell)